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theater games for game designers
Theatre Games for Game Designers delves into physical space and improvisational games. Using human bodies in space rather than pixels, this course is designed to give students a bit of history of theatre and performance art and the experience of playing theatre games, designing theatre games, and making performance. Classes start with a brief physical warm-up and proceed into theatre games, discussion of readings, and student presentations. Students will use intellectual, physical, and intuitive ways of being. No performance experience is required.
games 101
Games 101 is the foundational course for the NYU Game Center. The focus of Games 101 is game literacy & shared understanding of games as complex cultural and aesthetic objects. The class will incorporate lectures, discussion, readings, and writing assignments, but the primary activity of the class is critical play &playing games in order to better understand and appreciate them. The class will cover games on and off the computer, including classic and contemporary board and card games, sports, and games on the PC, internet, and consoles.
intro to game development
Introduction to Game Development is a practical course that introduces students to the methods, tools and principles used in developing digital games. Over the course of the semester, students will work alone to create a two digital prototypes or sketches, before building on them to produce a final polished game, using the lessons learned in the earlier prototypes. This is a hands-on, primarily lab-based course, and so the focus is on learning by doing rather than on reading and discussion.
national student leadership conference
Program Director; developed and taught a complete curriculum for a nine-day high school program. The program is meant to introduce students to the games industry, teach them the basics of game design and development, and develop their leadership skills.
games from Theater Game for Game Designers Fall 2021 below:
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